Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tree City, USA


10. If Pleasant Grove can do it, we can do it.

9. Great promotional value for our city.

8. With its requirement of a $2 per capita tree budget, it would help us to plant and care for needed shade trees in our parks. In some parks, it will provide for necessary reforestation.

7. It would require us to pass a tree ordinance, which would enable us to beautify our city,

6. Provide better noise abatement,

5. Prevent and control the spread of diseases,

4. Preserve trees in the path of development,

3. Improve air cooling and purification,

2. Avoid unnecessary costs associated with sewer clogging, sidewalk replacement, and tree-related accidents,

1. And enhance property values.

The Beautification and Shade Tree Committee is spearheading this effort. Their intention is to spend until October fact-finding, then to apply for a grant to hire an attorney to draft the ordinance. With luck, the ordinance can be adopted and the budget funded in the first half of 2008.

Is $2 per capita a lot of money? For American Fork, that's about $50,000. We can count against this figure the money our parks department spends on labor, the money Rocky Mountain Power spends pruning trees under power lines, and the volunteer hours of the Beautification and Shade Tree Committee, as well as any tree purchases and volunteer time spent planting trees. We think it will require only a minor boost to the City's present budget.

So many of our surrounding communities have already become Tree Cities -- Pleasant Grove, Lindon, Highland, Springville, just to name a few. It's time for American Fork to join the movement. We can do our part to steward this scarce but life-giving resource.

Click here to learn more about becoming a Tree City USA.


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