Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hyacinths to Feed the Soul

There may be snow on the ground today, but the finance committee has already approved funding for the City's spring flowers.

How can a good, conservative finance committee approve funding for a frill such as this in a tight budget year?

Our reasoning:
  • The $2172 approved represents only 38 percent of the $5754 spent last year on flowers.
  • The cut-back means no annuals will be planted this year at the library, the boat harbor, Veterans' Hall, the pocket park, or the 500 East/Main Street island.
  • Instead, the winter pansies will be nursed well into the warm season, and greater use will be made of perennials.

I can't say what was on the minds of the others, but as I voted to approve, I couldn't help remembering lines my mother taught me:

If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft
And but two loaves to thee are left,
Sell one, and with the dole
Buy hyacinths to feed the soul.


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