Monday, October 20, 2008

Bond 4: Trails and Open Space

The purpose of Bond 4 is to fund trails and open space, two quality of life interests which presently are without dedicated revenue streams.

I cannot explain the trails any better than the City's information piece did, so I quote it here. Bond 4 is --

to enable the construction of two trails, the American Fork River Trail, and American Fork’s portion of the Southern Rail Trail.

Part of a comprehensive trail plan, these trails will connect to a third trail, the Center Street Trail, to form a system which will extend from the American Fork Greenwood Skate Park at 500 South through to the northern border of the City. From there, users will be able to connect to the Highland Trail system and continue on to the American Fork Canyon.

The Center Street Trail has been funded and is currently under design. The remaining two trails have been partially funded through federal grants. This bond will provide the funding necessary to match the federal grants and construct the two trails.

Proceeds from the bond will fund land purchase, right-of-way acquisition, design, and construction costs. Trail cross-sections will vary as the trail passes through different parts of the City. At times, there will be stand-alone asphalt trail; elsewhere, the trail will be striped at the shoulder of the road or will follow existing sidewalks.
As for the open space, the parcel in question is located across 600 North from the Star Mill, between 100 East and 200 East and just east of the stream. (The parcel itself does not access the stream.)

This is a beautiful location, one I seek out whenever I have a chance. I prize it for its natural beauty as well as for its ability to evoke images of American Fork's past. I would very much like to see it preserved. But I must here acknowledge many unresolved issues regarding this property acquisition. First and foremost is the problem of the purchase price, which is unknown. Second is the problem of the LeRay McAllister grant, which was supposed to supply half of the purchase price, but which, according to latest report, was not awarded. Finally is the question of purpose -- it has not yet been determined what purpose this property will serve. Will it become a trail head, with parking stalls and picnic tables? Or will it be seeded in natural grasses and left open?


Approved, Bond 4 will raise $2.29 million for trails and open space as described above. As discussed, it may not succeed in providing all that is described. However, voters may be assured that the City cannot and will not put funds from Bond 4 to any other purposes. The bond would be repaid through a corresponding increase in property taxes. The increase to a $240,000 home would be approximately $19.50 per year. The increase to a $240,000 business would be approximately $34 per year.

Disclaimer: Articles posted at my blog are personal opinion. In posting this series on the bonds, I do not claim to speak for the City or the City Council. This blog does not represent any official position of American Fork City, and no City resources have ever been used to finance this blog.


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